The Church Portal (Breeze) allows access to Cross’s online only directory, helps to keep contact information up-to-date, and is used to access online giving and all giving records/history at Cross. It is a helpful tool and is easy to use. Use the button above to visit the Church Portal, or look below for instructions on setting up an account. (Accounts are for members and regular attenders of Church of the Cross only.)
Instructions to set up a new Church Portal Account
After clicking the link above, you will be prompted to enter your name (First and Last, please) and your email address. As long as what you enter matches a profile we have in our system, you'll then receive and email invitation to join. (If it works, you'll get a message saying "Success"). If you are unable to join the portal, please email Peter.
Find the email (from Peter Berg or Breeze Church Management), open it, and click the button "Create Account."
That will open a new tab or page and tell you to create your login and password. Please create a log in and password that you will remember.
After creating your login and password, you see a new message inviting you to log in to Breeze, which is the name of the directory/giving program. Click log in.
You'll now see the normal log in page, with fields for your login and password. (Consider bookmarking this page so you can easily return.) Make sure your information is in the proper fields and click Sign In.
Inside Church of the Cross's Portal - Breeze
On the main page, you'll see options to navigate to the three key parts of Breeze.
My Profile. This includes information like your name, family, contact information, and giving history.
Here, you may edit your contact information, keeping it up to date, add new information, add a picture of yourself and/or your family, etc.
To add or edit information, simply hover your cursor over a section heading, like Contact, then click "click to edit section." From there, you will be able to add or edit information in various categories.
Also, if you would rather not have certain contact information available in the online directory, you may make that information private by following the steps above and then clicking "Show More Options". Then, select "Make Private." You may make all contact information private.
People. This is our online directory--you may view contact information for all members (those who regularly attend Church of the Cross and see us as their church home). You may search for people, view their contact information, etc.
Give Now. Here, you may choose to give online to Church of the Cross. You can give via credit/debit card or via ACH Bank Transfer (you may also contact Annie to set up an ACH Bank Transfer). You can also set up recurring giving.
Breeze also allows users to sign up for events, like our annual retreats, etc.