Album cover art by Britta Scanlon
Church of the Cross Album Release
“In The Cross of Christ I Glory”
You can stream the album for free on any of the major music platforms.
Over the past year, the Church of the Cross music team has been quietly working on a big project: our very first record. We’re grateful to release this project as a gift both by the church, for the church, and with the intention of adding to the beauty of the Kingdom of God. The album will be appropriately titled In the Cross of Christ I Glory.
3 Ways to Support the Album
We released this album as a gift for anyone to listen to freely. However, if you want to own the album digitally or support the creative work behind making the album, you’re welcome to do that below.
1. Listen Now
Spotify | Apple Music | YouTube Music
The album is freely available to stream on all major music platforms.
2. Buy the Album
You can buy and download the album to listen to it digitally. (We don’t have any physical CDs available because making them would cost us a lot extra.)
3. Support the Project
Again, this album is meant as a gift to our Church and anyone else who finds it and loves it. However, there are significant costs involved in producing an album. If you would like to donate to help offset those costs, you can, of course, buy the album digitally (see above); you can also donate separately using the link/button provided. (Make sure to select "Give to 20th Anniversary Album Project.")
The Story Behind the Album
From Andene O’Neil, Pastor of Worship Arts
From left to right: Tyler Stitt (Assistant Director of Worship at Church of the Cross), Adam Murray (Director of Worship at Resurrection Anglican) and Andene O’Neil (Pastor of Worship Arts at Church of the Cross)
“The idea of recording an album has been percolating in my head for quite a long time. Over the years, people have asked me about it, of course. On the one hand, I was very interested; we have a gifted musical community and talented songwriters. I knew what a gift it would be to our congregation to have recorded versions of some of our music. On the other hand, I was adamantly opposed for one very important reason: I (Andene) have no experience or ability in recording or producing an album. Still, I held the idea prayerfully, wondering if maybe by our 20th anniversary, there would be a way forward.
Well, thanks be to God, a way forward has presented itself! I should say - himself. When we hired the wonderful Tyler Stitt as our Assistant Worship Director (over 18 months ago), I learned that he had experience and ability in the realm of recording and producing music. (Cue my excitement!) Tyler was gracious enough to let me share this hope with him, though at the outset of the project, he was still getting to know our community. Tyler’s gifting in this area was so apparent to me that I gave him the entire album project to execute. He was the “director” of the album—functioning as the recording engineer and the primary producer. As I’ve listened to the tracks along the way, especially in our last push for edits and adjustments, I’ve been amazed by how skillfully he’s captured the heart and spirit of our church family’s music.
Tyler would also be the first to mention that the album was a huge GROUP project. This album is the result of the orchestration of the Holy Spirit and the generous outpouring of many people's gifts. Every musician heard on it is either a current a recent musician of Church of the Cross. Almost every song has been written from within our musical community. The final track is one of our favorite hymns sung by almost every member of our music team!
As Tyler and I were working on album things this week, I had to stop and reflect— I’m deeply proud of this work. The songs are good and beautiful and true, and I’m so eager to share them with you all! (And we are so thankful for the amazing artwork created for us by Britta Scanlon.)”
As we offer opportunities for people to experience, create, and engage with art, the Lord will empower us as a community of disciples and strengthen our witness to a lost world deeply hungry for both beauty and its ultimate source. Listen to this value explained.