Get Connected at
Church of the Cross
Our ministries and events range from casual drop-ins to more committed small groups, so you can find a place that feels right for you in this season of life.
You can get plugged in with our community at Church of the Cross in a variety of ways. We offer ministries and events for men, women, adults, parents, youth, and children. The events listed here are recurring and help keep everyone connected and engaged at Cross; we have other special events that happen less frequently, so you will want to check out our church calendar for details on those.
If you want additional guidance on where to get connected, please email Joel Bascom, our Pastor of Connecting & Equipping. He would love to speak with you and find just the right place for you to get plugged in with our community!
For Adults
We offer diverse opportunities for adults of all ages to grow in Christ together. Learn more.
Life Groups
Dates and times vary by group
Our small group ministry for adults. Life Groups provide opportunities to share our lives with one another in friendship, prayer, and meaningful discussion along the themes of Sunday’s sermon. Groups begin each Fall. You can email Joel Bascom for more information.
Adult Ed Classes
Periodically, Sundays at 9am or 10:45am
This informal class series considers various topics together, ranging from Biblical books and themes, art, work, and more. Available for men and women (even teens). We offer these classes on a variety of subjects several times a year.
Young Adult Group
Every other week, Wednesdays, 6-8pm
For 18 through mid-30s. This group offers a great place to pray together while considering vocation, current topics, ministry throughout our lives, and just being a supportive community for each other. It meets weekly to share a meal. You can email Casey and Marty Ochs to learn more. 👉 Learn more.
For Men
Our Men’s Ministry offers opportunities to connect with other guys at church and grow deeper in your walk with Christ. Learn more.
Men’s Fellowship
Summertime, 4th Thursdays, 7-9pm
A fun and informal way to connect with other men at church. It’s a time to talk and share life together over snacks, drinks, and (sometimes) backyard firepits. Bring a chair, something to share, or just come to hang out. Email Keelan with any questions.
Men’s Listening Prayer
2nd Tuesdays, 7-9pm
This event lets men at Cross gather, encourage each other through testimony, share a short teaching, and spend time in prayer both alone and together. You can email Pete Fredrickson with any questions.
Men’s Bible Study
Weekly, Fridays, 6-7:30am
A time to build deeper relationships, share life together, and challenge each other in our walks with the Lord. This event will focus on fellowship, discussing the Daily Office readings, and prayer with fellow men. You can email Keelan with any questions.
For Women
Our Women’s Ministry offers ways to connect with other ladies at church, find encouragement, and grow in your faith. Learn more.
Mentor Groups
Dates and times vary by group
Mentor groups are a small (up to 4 people) group of intergenerational women who connect to share their lives and discuss various topics throughout the year. If interested in joining, please email Melanie Hardacker.
Women's Bible Narrative
Weekly, Tuesdays, 9:30-11:30am
This women’s study explores the Bible as narrative, and especially focuses on knowing, understanding, and telling the story together. Childcare is available. Email Deacon Cheryl for more information.
Women's Bible Study
Weekly, Wednesdays, 6:30-8:30pm
A couple of times a year, women are invited to join an 8-to-12-week study on a book of the Bible. If you’re interested in joining or have any questions, please email Stephanie Bascom.
For Parents & Kids
The Blessing of Children is one of our core values, and we make this evident through the many kid-friendly events we offer. Learn more.
Children’s Sunday Services
During our Sunday services, we offer children’s services upstairs that are separated into classes by their ages. Check out our kids page to learn more about our Sunday morning ministry for kids.
POLO: Parents Of Little Ones
4th Wednesdays, 9:30-11:30am
Caregivers and children looking for friends and an active playtime are invited to this playful time together. We typically meet at Brookview Park in Golden Valley when the weather is warm. During the cold winter months, we will meet at Church of the Cross in the lower level. You can email Andrea Pope with any questions.
For Teens
Our youth program focuses on discipleship, which we pursue in a variety of ways. Learn more.
Youth Group
Weekly, Sundays, 6-8:30pm
Teens in 7th-12th grade are welcome to join us for this fun and spiritually enriching time each week. Our youth group is a great place for youth to foster relationships and dive deep into the Scriptures. In addition, youths can get involved in monthly game days at church or our bi-yearly retreats. You can email Pete to learn more about our youth group events.
For a full list of upcoming events, you can browse our events page.