Kids of the Cross

Children’s Ministry, Sunday mornings, 9am & 10:45am

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“Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them for to such belongs the kingdom of God” (Matt.19:14, NIV)

On a typical Sunday morning here at Church of the Cross we have opportunities for infants through 6th grade to gather in age appropriate classes. In these classrooms we make invitations typical of sacred spaces: reading the Bible, prayer, authentic response and established liturgies to lay down a foundation early in the lives of this growing generation of Christ followers, the church now and church to come.  

School year offerings:

Birth - 3 - We offer nursery care currently during our 9:00 a.m. and 10:45 a.m. services.

Preschool and Grade school children - Each Sunday our children aged 3 and up begin with their families in worship, and then are dismissed to classes with prayer. At both services classes for Preschool - 3rd grade are offered; at the 10:45am service we additionally have a class for 4th-6th graders. 

Kids of the Cross is committed to honoring the image of God in every child and embracing the beautiful diversity found within the body of Christ. We seek to create programs and spaces that are accessible and inclusive of all ability levels and sensory accommodations. Please contact Pastor Andrea Lang if you feel your child would benefit from individualized support in our programming. 

The Blessing of Children is one of our core values. We are blessed by the presence of children in our community and blessed by what they show us about the kingdom of God. We bless children by welcoming them as Jesus did and making our investment in them a priority. We cherish the words spoken of the children by our Lord Jesus: that theirs is the kingdom of heaven.