Fasting | Prayer | Almsgiving
Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the season of Lent: a time of penitence, fasting, and prayer, in preparation for the great feast of the resurrection (which we celebrate on Easter Sunday).
The season of Lent began in the early days of the Church as a time of preparation for those seeking to be baptized at the Easter Vigil. The forty days refer to our Lord’s time of fasting in the wilderness; and since Sundays are never fast days, Ash Wednesday is the beginning of the Lenten Fast. (Source: Book of Common Prayer, 2019)
Read this article from Anglican Compass to learn more about why we, as Anglicans, continue to practice and honor Lent today.
Participate in Lent with us
Feed My Starving Children, All-Church Event | March 9, 2:30-4:15pm | Sign Up*
Join us in service at Feed My Starving Children during Lent! This is a fun way to serve together and grow in community with others from Cross. Everyone at Cross is welcome to join us. Children need to be at least 5 years old.
* if you need a code during the signup process, it is MGZ6KX
A Time Set Apart | April 2, 7-8pm
Spend an evening this Lenten season in to engage in Prayer. This service, offered by the prayer ministry team, is a way you can intentionally set aside time for the Holy Spirit to minister. It’s a quiet evening of worship, teaching, prayer, and communion led by Deacon Cheryl. Let’s join in this Lenten season, preparing our hearts for the celebration of Easter Sunday.
Good Friday Offering | April 18
** Every year, we take a special offering during our Good Friday service that is designated for a specific ministry of mercy. More details on this are coming soon.
“[Lent] is more than just an exercise in self-disciplined stoicism with the added benefit of cutting back on calories or caffeine; we have the opportunity to commune more deeply with God and to follow the church’s traditional focus on almsgiving with our resources and lives.”
Recommended Resources
Examen Prayer
From Pray As You Go’s website: At the end of the day, this prayer of review is a short reflection back over the day, recalling events and taking note of your feelings. The purpose is to become more aware of the ways in which God has been present to you, the times when the Holy Spirit was drawing you towards life.
Lenten Soup Recipies
This is exactly what it says. Here’s a booklet with some of our church’s greatest soup recipes you can make at home this season. Download your copy.