Since the first centuries of the Church, the Vigil has marked the beginning of Easter with baptisms, renewal of baptismal vows, and celebration of the Eucharist.
But first, the Vigil powerfully retells the story of salvation history beginning with creation, continuing with God’s covenant with the Israelites, and reaching a climax in Jesus’ life, death and resurrection. In this service, we remember God’s past work and eternal faithfulness.
For the first time since Lent began, we proclaim Alleluia together as a congregation–a moment that is marked by the ringing of bells, keys, etc. (Please bring bells.)
The 4:30 p.m. service will be shorter than the 7:00 p.m. service, and is a great service for families with young children, or just for those who can’t stay up quite so late the night before Easter. This service will include the dramatic readings, songs, and a sermon, but will not include baptisms or the Eucharist.
The 7 PM service will also be livestreamed.