
During this time of quarantine and “stay at home” orders, we want to increase our ability as a church to learn and receive from each other, and our ability to connect with and hear from our members. This page will be updated up to a few times a week with simple reflections, teachings, or challenges from some of us at Cross to help us in these goals. We hope they are helpful and good for us all.


Joel Warne shares a recent experience that helped him relax into what God's doing these days with those he loves. To find the document with prayer tips Joel ...


In this reflection Seth Hedman both challenges us to think about and use our screens as icons as we participate in online services—watch to better understand that idea—but also to consider how we are embodying our worship in our lives.


Joel Warne shares a recent experience that helped him relax into what God's doing these days with those he loves. Once you’re done watching this reflection, click here to download the document with some tips for this type of prayer that Joel has put together.


Joel Bascom considers Psalm 90, and especially the prayer that God establish the work of our hands.


Jamie Kaihoi reminds us that, even when everything in our lives changes, who we are comes from God and does not change.


In this reflection, Denis Haack considers Psalm 46 and its challenge to us to consider who is our stronghold.


Jamie Kaihoi shares how she is choosing joy for Holy Week, and beyond.


In this reflection, Pastor Christian considers Luke 8:40-56, and discusses how in our limitations we can experience the abundance of Jesus.


Seth Hedman encourages us in our rootedness to Christ, our living water.


Jen Asp encourages us in taking time to lament during this season.


Molly Ruch offers a reflection on Walking in Jesus from Colossians.


Pastor Josh reflects further on our current situation as a church and our longing for the goodness of full in person fellowship.