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Morning Retreat: Practicing God's Presence

  • Church of the Cross 201 9th Avenue North Hopkins, MN, 55343 United States (map)

Adults are invited to join this refreshing morning retreat hosted by Joel Warne, our ministry partner at WellSpring Life Resources. The pressures of life push and pull us, obscuring life’s most central transforming reality—I am God’s home—Christ living in, around, and with me every moment. In this retreat, we mine the simple, profound witness of a 17th-century lay brother, Brother Lawrence, who offers a way for us to live, serve, and love from a place of anchored

presence and well-being in Jesus. This retreat will include brief teachings along with time to be alone, listen, rest, share, and just experience God’s care! The retreat costs $10 per person. Please sign up online to join the retreat. You can pay online or later with cash or a check.

Earlier Event: March 28
Lenten Soup Suppers
Later Event: March 30
Lenten Soup Suppers