week 11 | june 7 - june 14


We are three weeks removed from a catalytic moment in our history when George Floyd was killed by a police officer. The subject of racial injustice and racial reconciliation weighs heavily on our hearts and minds. And yes, we are still navigating a pandemic. In such a moment as this, creatively reflecting on “water” seems especially appropriate. Water heals wounds, washes away dirt, and reveals old truths forgotten. We need this.

We use water in the sacrament of baptism. This water signifies the cleansing of our sin, and conveys our death and subsequent resurrection with Christ. We desperately need this.

Water can also be a great source of peace. Large, glorious bodies of water seem to invite the viewer into contemplation of the beautiful and infinite, a frame of mind not easily found on dry land. Might this kind of depth of perspective be beneficial? Yes, we need this.

Of course, water brings life and helps things grow in strength, perseverance, and vigor, whether plant or animal or image-bearer. We need this too.

In our creativity project this week features watering cans, several collages, boats, fish, a Bruce Springsteen cover and more. May it be a blessing for you today.

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John Hardarcker

water color markers and paper

Water, the words we associate with it, and what we use it for, all reflect the the life we gain through it. This work is made by coloring the printed words and arranging them individually to complete the bigger picture.

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Piece Together

Ellie Carlson

photo collage


Wash My Eyes

Sean & Andene O’Neil

original song by Greg Brown

Wash my eyes that I may see
Yellow return to the willow tree
Open my ears that I may hear
The river running swift and clear
And please
Wash my eyes
And please
Open my ears

Wash this world that is one place
And wears a mad and fearful face
Let the cruel raging cease
Let these children sleep in peace
And please
Wash this world
And please
Let these children
Sleep in peace


John 16

Pam Keske

watercolor pencil



Claire Carlson

pen & ink

For this piece I drew the simple outline of a watering can and filled it with realistic-ish doodles of flowers and buds and leaves in an attempt to illustrate what sorts of things can be grown by plants when they are watered. The way I see it is that in a way a watering can is filled with the beautiful things mentioned above, the water just has to be poured out onto plants for us to see them! There is so much potential in water and I hope this piece starts to demonstrate this idea as best as it can--pun intended:).

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"Deep Calls to Deep"

...Psalm 42:7

Char Savaloja



Rivers of Living Water

Phil Bickel

Do you view the Holy Spirit as rivers of living water flowing from within you? Jesus did! He said, "Anyone who is thirsty may come to me! Anyone who believes in me may come and drink! For the Scriptures declare, 'Rivers of living water will flow from his heart.' (When he said 'living water,' he was speaking of the Spirit, who would be given to everyone believing in him.)" (John 7:37-39a NLT) We don’t take a sip of water once a day or drink just one hour on Sunday morning. Our thirst is continuous. By definition, rivers are constantly flowing. Notice Jesus says “rivers” plural, not “river” singular. He is promising fullness and abundance from the Spirit, not a lone, tiny trickle. The Holy Spirit’s presence and power will be constant, like ever-flowing rivers! This contemplative video provides a quiet opportunity to sit beside flowing streams and ponder what Jesus promises you through the flow of the Holy Spirit in your life.


The Waters of My Story:
a collection of photographs from the continents I have called home

Jamie Kaoihoi




Marty Ochs

alcohol inks

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My Beautiful Water Nature Art

Zoe Knier (age 3)

mixed media

Zoe created this while playing in the backyard. She was very excited to learn about the Creativity Project and this week’s theme. “I hope church people like my art.”


Overlooking Lake Superior

Justin VanNingen


The scene from Sleeping Giant Provincial Park near Thunder Bay, Ontario.


O Mary Don’t You Weep

Ochs Family

Mary Don't You Weep" is an old African-American spiritual. Predating the Civil War, the song offered religious comfort to American slaves while they were held in bondage. The song's importance did not end with emancipation, though. It played a very specific part in advancing African-American goals well into the 20th century, as well, and it still inspires both black and white audiences and performers.

Well if I could, I surely would, 
Stand on the rock where Moses stood, 
Pharoh's army got drownded, 
Oh Mary don't you weep. 

Oh Mary don't you weep no more, 
Oh Mary don't you weep no more, 
Pharoh's army got drownded, 
Oh Mary don't you weep. 

Well Mary wore three links of chain, 
On every link was Jesus name, 
Pharoh's army got drownded, 
Oh Mary don't you weep. 

Oh Mary don't you weep no more, 
Oh Mary don't you weep no more, 
Pharoh's army got drownded, 
Oh Mary don't you weep. 

Well one of these nights about 12 o'clock, 
This old world is gonna rock, 
Pharoh's army got drownded, 
Oh Mary don't you weep. 

Well Moses stood on the Red Sea shore, 
Smote the water with a two by four, 
Pharoh's army got drownded, 
Oh Mary don't you weep. 

Oh Mary don't you weep no more, 
Oh Mary don't you weep no more, 
Pharoh's army got drownded, 
Oh Mary don't you weep. 

Well old Mister Satan he got mad, 
Missed that soul that he thought he had, 
Pharoh's army got drownded, 
Oh Mary don't you weep. 

Brothers and sisters, don't you cry, 
There'll be good times by and by, 
Pharoh's army got drownded, 
Oh Mary don't you weep. 

Oh Mary don't you weep no more, 
Oh Mary don't you weep no more, 
Pharoh's army got drownded, 
Oh Mary don't you weep. 

God gave Noah the rainbow sign, 
No more water, but fire next time, 
Pharoh's army got drownded, 
Oh Mary don't you weep. 

Oh Mary don't you weep no more, 
Oh Mary don't you weep no more, 
Pharoh's army got drownded, 
Oh Mary don't you weep. 

Pharoh's army got drownded, 
Oh Mary don't you weep, 
Oh Mary don't you weep no more, 
Oh Mary don't you weep no more. 

Pharoh's army got drownded, 
Oh Mary don't you weep.